You can start your own stream adn share link with your friend


You can create your room for conference and invite friends

Join a Room

This web application shows a WebRtcEndpoint connected to itself (loopback). Open this page with a WebRTC-compliant browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari).
List streamers:
    List viewers:
      This web application shows a WebRtcEndpoint connected to itself (loopback). Open this page with a WebRTC-compliant browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari).
      Video Send Band Width:
      Video Recv Band Width:
      #QUALITY VIDEO# #Set Maximum video bitrate sent to remote peer. #With this parameter you can control the maximum video quality that will besent when reacting to good network conditions. Setting this parameter to ahigh value permits the video quality to raise when the network conditions #getbetter. #This parameter provides a way to limit the bitrate requested by remote REMBbandwidth estimations: the bitrate sent will be always equal or less thanthis parameter, even if the remote peer requests higher bitrates. #Note that the default value of 500 kbps is a VERYconservative one, and leads to a low maximum video quality. Most applicationswill probably want to increase this parameter to higher values such as 2000 (2mbps) or even 10000 (10 #mbps). #The REMB congestion control algorithm works by gradually increasing the outputvideo bitrate, until the available bandwidth is fully used or the maximum sendbitrate has been reached. This is a slow, progressive change, which #starts at300 kbps by default. You can change the default starting point of REMBestimations, by setting RembParams.rembOnConnect. #�Unit: kbps (kilobits per second). #�Default: 500. #�0 = unconstrained: the video bitrate will grow until all the availablenetwork bandwidth is used by the stream. #Note that this might have a bad effect if more than one stream is running(as all of them would try to raise the video bitrate indefinitely, until thenetwork gets saturated).


      #Set Minimum video bitrate sent to remote peer. #With this parameter you can control the minimum video quality that will besent when reacting to bad network conditions. Setting this parameter to a lowvalue permits the video quality to drop when the network conditions get #worse. #This parameter provides a way to override the bitrate requested by remote REMBbandwidth estimations: the bitrate sent will be always equal or greater thanthis parameter, even if the remote peer requests even lower bitrates. #Note that if you set this parameter too high (trying to avoid bad videoquality altogether), you would be limiting the adaptation ability of thecongestion control algorithm, and your stream might be unable to ever recoverfrom #adverse network conditions. #�Unit: kbps (kilobits per second). #�Default: 100. #�0 = unconstrained: the video bitrate will drop as needed, even to thelowest possible quality, which might make the video completely blurry andpixelated.


      #Set Maximum bitrate expected for the received video stream. #This is used to put a limit on the bitrate that the remote peer will send tothis endpoint. The net effect of setting this parameter is that when Kurento generates an SDP Offer, an 'Application Specific' (AS)maximum bandwidth #attribute will be added to the SDP media section: b=AS:{value}. #Note: This parameter has to be set before the SDP is generated. #�Unit: kbps (kilobits per second). #�Default: 0. #�0 = unconstrained.


      #Set Minimum bitrate requested on the received video stream. #This is used to set a minimum value of local REMB during bandwidth estimation,if supported by the implementing class. The REMB estimation will then be sentto remote peers, requesting them to send at least the indicated video #bitrate.It follows that min values will only have effect in remote peers that supportthis congestion control mechanism, such as Chrome. #�Unit: kbps (kilobits per second). #�Default: 0. #�Note: The absolute minimum REMB value is 30 kbps, even if a lower value isset here.




      Packets sent per second
        This application shows a WebRtcEndpoint connected to itself (loopback) with a FaceOverlay filter in the middle (take a look to the Media Pipeline).
        This web application shows a WebRtcEndpoint connected to remote video by ID users. Open this page with a WebRTC-compliant browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari).



          WebRTC samples & Select sources & outputs

          Get available audio, video sources and audio output devices from mediaDevices.enumerateDevices() then set the source for getUserMedia() using a deviceId constraint.

          Note: If you hear a reverb sound your microphone is picking up the output of your speakers/headset, lower the volume and/or move the microphone further away from your speakers/headset.